Разлика между лава и магма

Разлика между лава и магма
Разлика между лава и магма

Ключовата разлика между лавата и магмата е, че лавата е горещата смес от газове и разтопени скали, които излизат от вулкана, докато магмата е разтопеният скален материал дълбоко в земната кора.

Hence, the difference between lava and magma pertains to their location. Well, before going into a discussion about this difference, let us see what each term refers to. Not many of us know that the temperature beneath the surface of the earth increases as we go down. In fact, the temperature at the center or core is so high that it consists of nothing but molten rocks and other solid materials because of extremely high temperatures. This mixture of molten rocks is magma. This magma resides in certain places; chambers that have passages up to volcanoes. When volcanoes erupt, it is this magma that constantly comes out of the volcanoes. When this magma comes out of volcanoes, we call it lava.