Difference Between Insect And Wind Pollination

Difference Between Insect And Wind Pollination
Difference Between Insect And Wind Pollination

The key difference between insect and wind pollination is that the plants that use insect pollination produce colourful, attractive and scented flowers, while the plants that use wind pollination produce small, dull and less attractive flowers.

Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from anthers to the stigma of a flower. There are two types of pollination; self-pollination and cross-pollination. Self-pollination occurs between an anther and the stigma of the same flower. Thus, it occurs within the same flower. Whereas, cross-pollination occurs between two flowers of the same plant or different plants of the same species. Cross-pollination is evolutionary important since it mixes the genes among plants. Pollinators or pollinating agents contribute a lot to cross-pollination in order to transfer pollen from one flower to another flower. Insects are the most fascination pollinators. Some abiotic factors such as wind and water too contribute to cross-pollination. Thus, this article discusses the difference between insect and wind pollination.
