Difference Between Composite And Non Composite Transposons

Difference Between Composite And Non Composite Transposons
Difference Between Composite And Non Composite Transposons

The key difference between composite and non composite transposons is that composite transposons have two flanking insertion sequences while non-composite transposons have inverted repeats instead of flanking insertion sequences.

A transposon is a fragment of DNA which can translocate within the bacterial genome. They are mobile DNA sequences. They move into new locations of the genome. These movements make changes in the sequence of the bacterial genome, causing significant changes in genetic information. They are the transposable genetic elements responsible for establishing new genetic sequences in bacteria. Transposons are also referred to as jumping genes because these jumping sequences can block the transcription of genes and rearrange the genetic material of bacterium. Moreover, they are responsible for the movement of drug resistance, antibiotic resistance genes between plasmids and chromosomes. There are two types of transposons as composite and non-composite transposons.
