Разлика между РНК и иРНК

Разлика между РНК и иРНК
Разлика между РНК и иРНК

Ключовата разлика между РНК и иРНК е, че РНК е един от двата типа нуклеинови киселини, съставени от рибонуклеотиди, докато иРНК е един от трите вида РНК.

Nucleic acids are one of the most important molecules found in abundance in all living things on earth. They are responsible for encoding, transmitting, and expressing genetic information into proteins. In 1869, the Swiss physician and biologist Friedrich Miescher first identified nucleic acids during his experiments. The information of the nucleic acids laid the basic foundation for genome and forensic science as well as biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. The basic types of nucleic acid molecules are DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid). Depending on the function, there are three universal types of RNA, as messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). This article highlights the difference between RNA and mRNA.
